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terça-feira, 10 de junho de 2014


The world's pick of the day 5/6, dedicated to Environment, held since the year 1972, at the opening of the Stockholm Conference on the Human Environment.

The conference, on that occasion, gathered more than 100 countries and dealt with the degradation, caused by humans to the environment, along with the risks to the survival of life on earth.

Every June 5, the United Nations creates a theme for this celebration. In this year 2014, we chose the following topic: "THINK - EAT - YOU SAVE".

George Monbiot in The Guardian, it was necessary, when summed up the current situation as follows:

"It's simple. If we can not change our economic system, our number's up. " Meant environmentalist who do not change our economic system, collapse is inevitable. This the author of carbon accumulation in the atmosphere and the problems of climate change, associated with the man in the choice option as standard of living, the economy's growth. To Monbiot planetary destruction is in the limitless ambition of man by ever increasing and indiscriminate use of coal, oil and gas.

Well suited to the expression: "When the last tree falls, tipping; when the last river is poisoned; when the last fish is caught, only then will we realize that money is something that can not be eaten. "

The environmental issue does not involve division between rich and poor, for global warming, called "demographic bomb", as well as demographic development, called "climate bomb" in the words of Professor Paulo Nogueira Neto, will bring immense suffering to billions of people.

Brazil is privileged in planete, because it has rich biodiversity, consisting of lush vegetation, consisting of forests, woodlands, savannas, mangroves, rivers, beaches and rock formations, plus the wildlife which unfortunately records several endangered species; the enviable Amazon rainforest is known worldwide as the "lungs of the world".

Environmental ills are caused by a few, but the resulting outcomes relate to the whole society. Hence the reason why there should be community interest in enforcement of the pollution of the environment.

Brazil, despite the damage has progressed because we have advanced legislation; set itself targets for reducing greenhouse gas emissions, it created financial instruments, such as the Amazon Fund and the Climate Fund; some Brazilian states are already working with the ecological ICMS; reduced deforestation in the Amazon and Atlantic Forest, efeitivo beyond the recognition of the importance of the Cerrado and Caatinga.

Recently, the Union of Concerned Sicentists - UCS - released a report, "Success Stories in the Framework of Deforestation", where Brazil points leader in combating climate change; reports that there was a decline of 19% in greenhouse gas emissions caused by the felling of tropical forests. The study of this American NGO reports that the 1990s were deforested in the world, on average, 16 million hectares per year; in the 2000s, that number dropped to 13 million hectares.

Advances needed to not only get along with political discourse; no exaggeration in the consumption of luxuries, including the explosion of the car fleet; is used increasingly indiscriminate and pesticides and almost automatically releases itself the use of transgenics. To complement, seems inapplicable to Advanced Brazilian environmental legislation.

The collapse in Brazil is viewed by floods and droughts, followed by death and destruction; rationing of water through the system Cantareira, main water supply for the population of São Paulo metropolitan region; by blackouts.

Thus, nature responds to mistreatment he receives from men.

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